Leverage the Benefits of Fast Page Load on Mobile Devices – Get Suggestions from Page Speed Insights

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Page Speed Insights is a great tool that helps the webmasters to find easy to implement suggestions for their website in order to increase the loading time of their website. Apart from the regular desktop suggestions, page speed insights also displays a mobile friendly suggestions tab to make the website mobile friendly. Considering the growing impact of mobile audience, brands need to optimize their mobile presence by making their website load much faster. Page speed insights is a free tool that you can use to get relevant suggestions.

As per the standards, a mobile site takes around 7 seconds to load. This time period is so much that the visitor might actually leave the site before it opens. By following the recommendations given by the page speed insights tool, one can reduce this waiting time to 2 seconds thereby increasing the mobile site traffic, mobile conversion rate and ultimately the ROI.

Page Speed Insights Mobile Recommendations

Google recently updated this tool and added some additional recommendations on mobile usability. These new recommendations are:

1- Configuring the meta-viewport tag
2- Suggestions to ensure that the page content fits the width of that viewport
3- Checking the use of legible font sizes
4- Checking the size of mobile tap targets
5- Avoiding plugins

Read more: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.in/2014/05/making-your-site-more-mobile-friendly.html

You can access this tool here. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?utm_source=blogspot&utm_campaign=mobile_ux

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